Hi, I’m Laura.

I’m a Certified Professional Success Coach on a mission to empower ambitious young professionals and creatives to stress less, get out of their own way and create the success they want in their lives.

What's definition of success?

I used to think that the only way to be successful was to buckle down, work hard and not fail.

Life is hard.  I used to make it so much harder on myself.  And I didn’t even know it.

While experiencing massive success outwardly, it took a major health crisis for me to realize that my approach to achievement was totally unsustainable.

Maybe you’re not experiencing any serious health issues right now, but it’s possible you’re…

  • trying to do too much
  • stressed out and overwhelmed
  • tired of feeling tired
  • struggling with work-life balance
  • wishing you felt healthier and had more energy
  • trying to figure out what the heck you really want
  • feeling like you should have it all figured out, but you don’t
  • feeling like you’re getting in the way of your own success with less than helpful habits and the same old patterns

Hey, I’ve been there.  I pushed myself so hard that I created a completely untenable situation.  I was so disconnected from myself, my body and my intuition that it took a major health crisis to get me to re-examine my life.

My hope for you is that you can lessen your stress before you burn out, like I did.

But, it feels like there’s no other way to get it all done than to push through to get results, to keep your amazing reputation intact and to maintain that perfect track-record, right? 

Well, guess what? 

There is another way. 

I want to empower you to make a different choice about how you want to live your life before it’s too late.

The way you’ve been doing things has served you well in getting you where you are.  You’re successful, ambitious and driven, but there’s something about your lifestyle that just isn’t working for you anymore.

I coach ambitious young professionals and creatives who are used to gritting their teeth and getting the hard work done at all costs in order to get the success they want, but they’re realizing that this approach is unsustainable. 

The world is already full of struggle and conflict. We’re so used to putting pressure on ourselves to be perfect and get ahead in life that our health and relationships with ourselves and others suffer.  And that hurts, doesn’t it?

There’s no need to experience that anymore.  You can become a person who has time to breathe and enjoy life. If you can learn to tap into synergy, connectedness, passion and creativity you’ll still achieve the same goals, but without damaging yourself or those around you. 

By choosing to change the way you operate, by being a force for positivity and love instead of stress and negativity, you WILL make the world a better place. 

And I’m here to help you do just that.


  • You want effortless high performance in your work and personal life
  • You want to create more balance and positivity in your life
  • You want to feel more confident and aligned with who you really are
  • You want to let go of the doubt that’s holding you back from success
  • You want someone to help keep you focused and accountable
  • You’re ready to make a big change but you don’t know how to do it
  • You’re ready to create space for the success you want
  • You’re ready to spend 6 months working to get you to where you want to be

Mes services sont aussi disponibles en français!

Dear reader: You’re in the right place if you're seeking life improvements that truly align with who you are!

I was fortunate to spend several months being coached by Laura, and during that time, I experienced profound shifts in my beliefs about myself and my life. Laura helped me uncover deeply ingrained patterns that were holding me back from not only defining what I wanted in life, but also from receiving it. With her guidance, I was able to see things from a new perspective and make meaningful changes.
She provided invaluable reading materials and supported me in viewing myself differently. In just a few months, I’ve made significant changes: I’ve increased my passive income streams, established boundaries that allow me to relax and enjoy life, and prioritized activities that are life giving.

We are all evolving beings, and with Laura's coaching, I was able to achieve results more efficiently and in a way that felt aligned with who I truly am.

Liliane L.
Creator and entrepreneur

I learned a lot about myself from working with Laura. Above all, I am learning to trust myself and love all versions of me. I appreciated her enthusiasm, her patience and her support in my personal and professional journey. Thank you very much Laura!

Karine F.
Teacher and Lifelong Learner

As this was my first coaching experience I didn’t know what to expect but I knew that something needed to change in my life. Working with Laura was transformational on a deeper level than I expected. I came into our time together burnt out, feeling held down by life’s obligations, and feeling like there was no space in my life to move forward with all the wonderful ideas that I have. Now, after a full set of sessions together, I feel so much more expansive. I find I do have the time and energy to accomplish what I want. I have more energy, I wake up earlier, joyfully. I work less hours but get so much more done. I set healthy boundaries. And I feel so optimistic for my future growth. What I find most interesting is that my thinking has changed. My initial thought process when faced with a challenge is night and day to when I was struggling before. And, though coaching is about so much more than this, I had my highest revenue month to date with my business this past month, so there’s a win for a lil entrepreneur! Thank you Laura for your time and investment in me.

Christine M.
Reflexology Therapist

Before working with Laura, I wasn’t getting the financial results I dreamed of in my career. While I loved what I did, I felt a disconnect and the income wasn’t sustainable. In the first month of coaching with Laura I had the most profitable month in a long time, felt the flow with my work, and truly expanded in the way I operated in the world. Laura helped me shift into a more joyful money mindset, improved my confidence with others, and uncovered my most valuable lesson: Act When Inspired! I am able to put out content that reflects my authentic self and have a more profitable career that I love. I am so grateful for Laura’s encouragement, attentive ear, and infectious laugh (Seriously, my partner once asked, "Are you coaching or just laughing in there?”). If you have found Laura, consider it your gift from the universe.

Paula J.
Homeopath and Hypnotherapist

Laura has been a tremendous help to me in my journey over the past year. To put it simply - she is a born coach with great positive energy. She genuinely cares about you as a person and your success. I am easily overwhelmed with the many details of running a business while also maintaining my health and spending quality time with my family. Laura helped me find clarity so I could focus on what matters most. What I appreciate most about Laura is that she intuitively knows what you need in the moment – whether it is to push back on what you’re saying or when you just need a little bit of encouragement and support. If you’re looking for an energetic and genuinely caring coach, Laura is your person!

Michelle R.​
Owner, Fanatical Sabbatical​

I’ve been coaching with Laura for several months now, and I can honestly say I’ve accomplished far more than I would have without her. But Laura is not just any coach. Her ability to bring levity while maintaining sensitivity and professionalism is remarkable. For me, trust is a crucial part of the coaching equation, and I trust her wholeheartedly.

A traumatic experience from my past still had me playing small in some ways. By challenging me in the best way, Laura has inspired me to see perceived weaknesses as strengths. More and more, I’m seeing my story as a gift to share with the world. This shift in mindset is priceless, and has given me a renewed sense of purpose that I use to drive all endeavors in my personal and professional life.

Rather than shying away from creative pursuits, I’m now running toward them, energized and excited to see what each will bring. There’s a kind of permission and freedom I’ve never quite experienced – freedom that has invited a more authentic expression of self and, in turn, increased confidence and productivity. With Laura’s help, I’m learning to view challenges as opportunities, and failures as teachable moments. I often end a session feeling unstoppable, and that feeling often carries throughout my day. Laura’s intuition, training, experience and overall positivity make for an exceptional coaching experience, and I am proof that this process creates profound and lasting change. I’m so grateful for the opportunity to work with Laura, and honored to call her my coach!

Art D.
Author // Speaker // Coach

I've struggled with feelings of inadequacy and unworthiness, both of which held me back from my career goals and my artistic potential. Laura's coaching helped me identify my limiting beliefs, and place them in front of me where I could see them for what they were and learn a different way of interacting with them, replace, and move past them. From there, together we made a practical road map to help me move my career along. But I was always in the driver's seat. Laura is there to help you help yourself, and help you problem-solve your way to being the version of yourself you want.

Her joyful energy, genuine encouragement, and spritely sense of humour are just a lovely bonus.

I'm now feeling more like the person I was at the beginning of my career, eager to strike out and find opportunities for myself. And should I fall back on old patterns, I know I have the tools to get myself back on the right path.

Jane T.

It is so common to think or believe that one is happy. It is courageous to want to keep a positive attitude towards life, but generally, what we persist in believing is not quite true.

I thought I was really happy and that I was fully enjoying life, but something pulled me toward coaching. Through our sessions, I was able to put my finger on what was wrong when I didn’t suspect it as being an obstacle to my development and happiness.

I learned so much from the work we did together. I am now aware that perfectionism does not serve me and I am now more detached from situations that used to be a source of sadness or stress; I take full advantage of the present moment. And, my love life is so much the better for it!

I discovered that life in itself is a whole that is greater than the sum of all its parts and if my life was a sauce recipe, Laura guided me to get the ingredients. All this to say that thanks to Laura's coaching, I was able to give beautiful colors to my life, and I am now fully happy as a person and as a woman.

Thank you Laura, thank you "my magician" for everything – what you do really is magic! You were born for this! Words cannot express the depth of gratitude I feel. It is a real honor to have you as a coach. Thanks to your support, I am starting this New Year starry-eyed, full of peace and confidence.

Abikè A.
Human Resources Specialist

“For me, the biggest thing I discovered through success coaching was my own lack of awareness around the habits that weren’t serving my goals or desires, whether at school, work, or in my personal life. Through coaching conversations with Laura, I became more familiar with the self-sabotaging practices that had been part of my life since I was very young, and discovered ways to let go of those toxic habits and shift my perspective to a more confident, positive outlook. The negativity that runs wild in my thoughts—the messages that tell me I’m not good enough or don’t deserve to enjoy a successful, fulfilling life—can be controlled with daily practices that I learned through success coaching. Laura helped me find a calmer, more confident, focused individual in myself; and for that I am grateful.”

Aaron H.
Student, Musician

Before working with Laura, I was convinced that my reality would never match my dreams. I had a lot of difficulty navigating between the imaginary and the real, and I often found myself stuck between the two. My work with Laura allowed me to conceive of life and career plans that inspire me to continue to grow as a woman and as an artist. I learned how to apply my knowledge and to define my goals, finally allowing me to bring together body and soul, dreams and reality. I can now move forward with confidence, knowing I have the tools necessary to conceive and progress towards a future built just for me!

Ariane J.
Singer-songwriter and expert dreamer